Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE

The Best HR Practices to Follow for Every Organization

The Best HR Practices to Follow for Every Organization

The Best HR Practices to Follow for Every Organization


by WeSource



Every organization is familiar with the challenges of hiring the right candidate to fill a job role. With unemployment on the rise, it is challenging to select between several highly qualified applicants while remaining non-discriminatory and ensuring equality.

This article discusses some key HR trends and best practices as they have emerged in 2020 to guide your hiring and recruitment process.


Upgrade Your Teams

The first step towards creating a more streamlined HR process is to avoid hiring new candidates for roles that can be fulfilled by your existing teams.

It is always better to invest in the upskilling, growth, and development of the talent you have already hired rather than to find entirely new candidates and go through the training and orientation process all over again.


Streamline Applicant Discovery

When it is tome to hire new talent, it is an excellent idea to invest some time and consideration into making the discovery and application process fast and efficient.

By utilizing modern social media platforms and digital channels, you can get the word out to a vast pool of potential candidates, ensuring that you catch the broadest range of potential candidates allowing you to find the perfect match for the job role.


Create A Brand

Reaching out to a qualified talent pool and attracting them to your organization requires that you portray your enterprise in the best light possible, making it clear to potential candidates that working with your company is an excellent career opportunity.

Remember, many individuals have a range of options available to them. Catching the right talent in a way that gives you leverage requires that you portray your brand positively and create an attraction that the most talented individuals want to achieve.

Create Inclusive Workspaces

Simply hiring the perfect talent pool is never enough. A job is more than just a means of earning; it takes up a significant part of our day, and making your employees and workforce feel at home and welcome in the workplace is the organization's responsibility.

Creating inclusive workspaces that discourage discrimination, prejudice, and inequality, while accommodating as wide a range of requirements and preferences as possible is the golden rule towards creating sustainable teams that enjoy the work they do and have a productive day at the office.

Find Talent that Fits Well

Sometimes, organizations are tempted to recruit individuals based on their apparent skills and talents, but the candidate may turn out unfit for the job role in most cases.

While recruiting new talent, it is better to focus on individuals familiar and comfortable with the advertised job role. This does not mean merely relying on experience; rather, it is best to base your recruitment process on aptitude analysis.


For most emerging and established organizations, the HR and recruitment process can take up significant resources and assets that can be better utilized elsewhere beneficially.

We suggest outsourcing your recruitment and hiring process to find peace of mind, allowing you to focus on expanding your operations. Contact our representatives at to find out how we can help you find the best talent in the market to fill your ranks.